How are you feeling?
It’s difficult to feel past the pain and fear currently being caused by Covid-19 when the main images are of suffering, stock-piling and social isolation. Each mention of Corona creates a little ripple of anxiety in the communities of friends, family, and businesses. Uncertainty hasn’t been felt or experienced this way within the lifetimes of most generations we live amongst and I think the unfamiliarity of uncertainty is the cause of the mass fear, rather than the medical stats that we’ve seen.
Personally, it’s only day 3 of our little family’s 2-week isolation and I’m already struggling and noticing that I’m becoming a less enjoyable version of myself to be around. Comfortably having my own space, spending time in nature and seeing friends are my most familiar and trusted strategies to move through unsettled feelings, and each has been restricted. I’ve spoken to lots of friends who are also feeling the same and although it feels rubbish now, we’ve found out these things about ourselves so soon into the time that it feels almost exciting to be forced to spend more time with ourselves without these usual distractions.
Never Really Felt Sure
I’d never really felt sure of what I need to recharge or feel better but now I’m very certain because I’ve been forced to realise it. The creeping feelings of loneliness or worry etc that can be picked up from anybody I talk to at the moment are deflected quite well once I realise that It feels like the world has been somewhat asking for this forced pause to reflect and reshuffle the way we work individually and as a whole.
In the last couple of months, climate anxiety has been a biggy and with the constant movements from the likes of environmental groups, refugee awareness groups and many more, worry has been caused (personally) by feeling like I’m not out there doing enough. So many people burn themselves out constantly as we become an ever-moving, faster-paced world. Usually, to make a real difference it feels like we have to work ourselves with every second if we are to ever make a difference. And now, we are being ordered to stay at home if we wish to save the lives of others, arguably the biggest difference we could make to humanity.
Front Line
Of course, those on the emergency front-line, carers and retail workers will be working themselves harder than ever while we remain indoors and care for our families and friends in person or over the phone. The emotions stirred by being ‘stuck’ definitely feel like they\’re here to force the importance and impact we all have upon one another. Those working tiresomely are being recognised more than ever, families are spending time together again, small businesses are being consciously chosen and arts of music, creation, and literature are being utilized for their therapeutic mediums again.
Despite the obvious devastation and sadness, hope feels closer than usual (?) There is destruction around the world in higher masses each day, in war-torn countries, famished countries, but rarely within western culture. It seems we’ve been needing to listen and learn of the countless struggles others are experiencing and for the first time, this pandemic feels loud enough to hopefully wake us up.
Family & Friends
Although I’m currently feeling a little grumpy and confused with everything, talking to and creating with family, friends and strangers seem to be the most beautiful method of connecting amidst a time that may feel very distant. Perhaps we will all come out of the other side of this (whenever that will be) as more empathic, loving and conscientious versions of ourselves… I’m going to try and do what I can to move more that way rather than towards boredom through the coming weeks, months.
I feel so lucky to be able to slow down and spend this time with my family while getting to challenge and get to know myself and them more. However, there will of course be so many people that will be fearing isolation. Those who will be alone, in places and relationships of conflict, frozen in fear of illness to name a few will need a caring message, call, window knock and generally somebody to talk to now more than potentially ever in their lives.
Author: Nisha Sky